Quality and Safety Policy

Words from our company manager

We are developing company Lek Veterina d.o.o. as a leading producer of premixes and complementary feeds in Slovenia and neighboring countries.

Efficiency, quality and safety of our products is a commitment to our customers. We produce with standard FAMI QS (European Feed Additives and PreMixtures Quality System) which assure that quality and safety of the products are guaranteed.

We constantly care for covering optimal nutritional needs to meet the animal's nutritional needs for vitamins, minerals and other authorized feed additives.

We always improve our products on the basis of the latest nutritional animal requirements, respect the legislation and customer requirements.

We take care for all customers satisfaction. We believe in quality of personal growth and thereby contributing to better results of the company.

Customers and suppliers are our partners with whom we seek and pursue common interests.

Branko Kamenšek spec.
company manager

Quality and Safety

In Lek Veterina quality assurance system and quality control are derived from valid standards in pharmaceutical industry, which in many areas exceed quality systems and standards in feed production branch.

QUALITY • Every step of our production is strictly observing the principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP), requirements of standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, introduced is the system of food safety (HACCP) and standard FAMI QS, the system of ensuring safe premixes and feed additives and is designed to ensure safety throughout the whole food chain. All requests are written in our Quality Rules. Compliance with regulatory and quality requirements is reviewed by domestic and foreign supervisory authorities.

Quality, knowledge and integrity are our core values that guarantee a successful cooperation with our business partners. We believe in the power of knowledge and modern technology. We follow the trends and scientific advances in animal nutrition. We develop new products and complement the existing range of products. We follow legislative requirements both at home as well as in markets where we operate.
