
Premixes from Lek Veterina have been helping to achieve excellent animal breeding results in Southern, Central and Eastern Europe for more than 25 years.

We have valuable experience in the field of premix production and we offer counselling on how to prepare different mixtures with regard to your breeding characteristics and needs ( Cooperating with us is a guarantee for up-to-date breeding in the field of animal nutrition. This is also the first step towards the animal's welfare and health as well as to a successful business. 



In the attached tables you will find more information about our premixes for different animal species:

 Premixes for chickens (broilers, breeding and layers stock) and turkeys

 Premixes for ostriches, pheasants, pigeons, ducks and geese

 Premixes for pigs

 Premixes for cattle

 Premixes for sheep and goats

 Premixes for other animals

Premixes contain vitamins, microminerals and other allowed feed supplements, which the animals need for a healthy life and good breeding results. Premixes come in the form of strong concentrates. Only a small percentage (0.5%, 1% or 2 %) is added to feed mixture. Registered and approved plants engage in feed production and management.

Premixes contain:

  • vitamins A, D3, E, K3, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, nicotinic acid, calcium pantotenat, folic acid, biotin and holin chloride,
  • microminerals iodine (I), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), selenium (Se), molybdenum (Mo) and sulfur (S),
  • amino acids lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan,
  • enzymes phytase, xylanase, gluconase and hemicellulase,
  • coccidiostats, which are given to animals to prevent the development of coccidios. They are essential for the normal and optimal production of poultry.
  • probiotics, which contain enough of live microorganisms and positively influence the microflora in the host's organism.
  • prebiotics, which are specific substrates influencing the growth of favourable microflora.
  • aromas, ethereal oils and fatty acids.

Vitamins, microminerals and other nutrition supplements

Vitamins are chemical substances, needed by the organism in small quantities; however, they are essential for the correct course of numerous chemical reactions, which enable a normally functioning of organism.
Microminerals are elements which the organism needs only in small quantities.
Other nutrition supplements are: amino acids, coccidiostats, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, aromas, ethereal oils, herbs and fatty acids.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the bricks of proteins, the organism needs them in order to grow and develop. Different proteins contain different amino acids in different sequences and numbers. Some amino acids are synthesized by microorganisms in animal's gastrointestinal tract or they are synthesized from other amino acids. But some amino acids have to be acquired through food - essential amino acids. They are lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, arginine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and cysteine. Different amino acids are needed in different quantities in amino acid synthesis. The lack of one can limit the creation of proteins. These are called limiting amino acids.


Enzymes are essential for decomposition of feed and they make possible the absorption of nutritive substances from feed. Animals can produce some enzymes themselves, but there are some that they cannot produce. The nutrients in feed cannot be properly absorbed and feeding becomes more expensive in this way.
Phytase decomposes phytat complexes and improves the absorption of phosphorus. Xylanase decomposes arabinoxylane (non-starch polysaccharides) in cereals (wheat, barley, rye, triticale, oats) which increases the viscosity of substances in the gastrointestinal tract and consequently reduces the absorption of nutrients.
Xylanase breaks bonds within the long chains of arabinoxylanes, the chains become shorter and the formation of gels is reduced. At the same time nutrients tied to the complex are released and they become available for digestion.
Gluconase decomposes ß-glucan, which forms an integral part of cellular walls in animal feed. They are used in order to improve the digestibility of protein rich vegetable feed (soya, rape, beans and sunflower seeds) for poultry and pigs. They operate on the same principle as xylanase. 


Coccidiostats are antibiotics and chemotherapeutics, which prevent the occurrence of coccidiosis. A modern breeding of broilers and turkeys would be impossible without them. Coccidiosis is caused by one cell parasites which invade the intestinal wall of animals. The development and reproduction of parasites in the intestinal wall causes damage. If we do not stop it, mild diarrhoea or inhibited growth can appear. Ultimately, animals can also die from it.


Probiotics contain live microorganisms. Good microorganisms prevail over harmful microorganisms in gastrointestinal tracts of live animals. This ratio can, however, change. Consequently, diarrhoea, poor growth and eventually death can occur. Probiotics inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms by producing organic acids and bacteriocins, by preventing them to attach to intestinal wall, by neutralising their toxins and encouraging their immune system. They use their own enzymes to improve the digestibility of food. Probiotics enable a better decomposition of a range of vegetable fibres and increase the level of decomposition. Probiotics help to increase the number of favourable microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract and maintain a favourable intestinal flora. 


Prebiotics are the indigestible part of feed which have a positive influence on animals by stimulating growth and reproduction of favourable microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. They slow down the development of harmful and pathogenic microorganisms and have a positive influence on animal's health and breeding results. The chemical status of prebiotics is oligosaccharides, which stimulate the growth of Bifidobacteria.

Aromas, ethereal oils and herbs

Aromas, ethereal oils and herbs do not have any nutritional value, but their use improves the appetite and the absorption of nutrients.

Fatty acids

Fatty acids used in feed for laying hens increases the amount of fatty acids in eggs. Omega-3 fatty acids are added to feed. People cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids themselves. They have to be acquired with food. Their intake decreases the possibility of cardiovascular diseases. By adding omega-3 fatty acids to chicken feed we can increase their content in eggs by 3.5 times.